The Heart of Blizzerd Rane
After creating the Cataras Springs, the Fairy Circle had intended to cease in creating more World Wonders. However, an incident took place in the ice kingdom of Nivta which resulted in the thirteenth World Wonder; the only Wonder which is not actually located on Xyntriav, and was created by a fairy not of the Fairy Circle. This Wonder is named after an ice pixie with a tragic story:
Blizzerd Rane had fallen in love with the heir to the Nivtan throne, and both were troubled by the fact that they couldn't be together because she was a pixie and he was a water elemental (one who could produce and wield ice). Blizzerd decided that she would embark on a journey to change into someone who matched her lover's size. She first approached Queen Tiana, but Tiana denied her. So Blizzerd sought out the Ruby Bird, which granted her the physical attributes of a water elemental. However, when Blizzerd returned to Nivta on Alba 34th, she discovered that the prince had already married someone else and had begun a family with her. That night was to be the baptism of their first born.
​ That same night, during the meteor shower which streamed above the celebratory kingdom, Blizzerd took a knife with her up to the tallest tower of the palace where she confessed that she couldn't be happy for the prince and that she couldn't live on without having him to herself. After which, she plunged the knife into her own heart.
Blizzerd's strong emotions, coupled by the fact that she had not used the Ruby Bird for selfless purposes as demanded by the Wonder, caused a burst of power to explode from within her. It completely destroyed the palace, much of the kingdom, and the energy reached the stars which fell from the sky.
​ Towers of ice are all that's left of the ancient Kingdom of Nivta, including the tower where Blizzerd confessed and killed herself, now known as Profiteor Tower. Every year on Alba 34th, there is a meteor shower above this tower and one of the stars will fall and land inside the top of the tower. Once one reaches the top of Profiteor Tower, s/he will find the glowing crystal of ice on a pedestal marking the very spot where Blizzerd died. Upon confessing a deep, troubling secret, one may take the orb in hand and locate his/her soulmate. Should the confession not be among the seeker's most troubling, or be a lie, nothing will show in the crystal.