The Circlet of Thorns
After creating the Cataras Springs, the Fairy Circle had intended to cease in creating more World Wonders. However, an incident took place on Zadar Island, the largest on the Bahg Vada Island Chain, which resulted in the tenth World Wonder.
Once inhabited by studious humans, Zadar was a treasure trove of the greatest knowledge and wisdom Xyntriav had to offer. Unfortunately, as a result of multiple passed events, the Sage Council refused to share any of it with the rest of the world and went to great lengths to discourage travelers to the island. Some efforts included breeding vicious sea creatures to haunt the surrounding Naide waters, posting skulls about the coast, as well as domesticating and training ferocious land animals. Some members of the Fairy Circle didn't like this, and they sent a great storm to destroy Zadar and its residents. Queen Tiana was upset to learn of the fairies' rogue actions, and she created the Circlet of Thorns so that whoever wore it would obtain all the knowledge and wisdom which once existed on the island.

Those who seek the Circlet of Thorns must still face the many obstacles that the Sage Council had left behind. Fortunately, if one is patient enough, a storm will hit Zadar and lightning will strike the exact spot where one can find the circlet: inside what's left of the tower that was once a Zadarian Library. However, the seeker will get no more help from there. S/he will still have to figure out on his/her own that s/he requires some knowledge and wisdom already to find the circlet hidden behind an old scroll about the ethical application of knowledge and wisdom.