The Ashes of Moira
After creating the Cataras Springs, the Fairy Circle had intended to cease in creating more World Wonders. However, an incident took place many years later in the Gardenia Forest in the country of Roshire on the continent of Platavan which resulted in the twelfth World Wonder.
Moira was a changeling queen, and she ruled with an iron fist not only over her own people, but the residents of the villages surrounding the Gardenia Forest were subject to her reign as well. Moira and her changeling subjects terrorized the Roshirians for years, and during this time, Moira didn't age a day as she consumed the blood of the Roshirian children. Eventually, Roshire called on their king for help and despite all efforts, Moira remained undefeated. So the king called on the Fairy Circle, at which point Queen Tiana attempted to reason with Moira. When Queen Moira refused to oblige, Queen Tiana destroyed Moira and her kingdom. Tiana hid Moira's ashes, which still contain her anti-aging abilities, in an unmarked crypt behind the wall of a mausoleum in the Gardenia Cemetery.
One must understand changelings in order to access the Ashes of Moira. Those who seek them must boil eggshells in

an iron pot along with some foxglove for approximately thirty minutes, and then soak four red ribbons in the water for three minutes. Then the ribbons must be tied around the two columns between which the entrance to the crypt is located. The ribbons must be tied where the four potential corners of the entrance are, and then the water must be poured on the wall between the ribbons. As the water is being poured, it will reveal the doorway into the crypt, where one will find the ashes in the marble urn set atop a stone pedestal. One has until the water dries to exit with the ashes. Then to use the ashes, s/he must rub them all over him/herself and s/he will begin to age in reverse right before the eyes of any onlooker.