Deep Sea Kraken Ink
The Fairy Circle did not create the Deep Sea Kraken Ink, rather they simply "blessed" it, the purpose of which was a means of inspiring hope and essentially providing Xyntriav civilization with something to do. The Deep Sea Kraken is located in a cave beneath the Interis Ocean, far away from any underwater civilization. Little is known of the wilderness surrounding its residence, but in reality it is mostly open water, lively with basic ocean life. This would be the primary reason why little is known about the surroundings since there isn't much word to spread.
To obtain the ink, one must kill the kraken and remove the ink sac. Considering the Deep Sea Kraken is the largest kraken in all five oceans, this feat shouldn't be underestimated. Once the ink is obtained, it can be used with any pen to write commands on any document, and the commands will take place.